Meet the Clark Scholars

Ethan Dong

Philadelphia, PA

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


I enjoy rock climbing with friends and playing ultimate frisbee on the Penn team. I also like playing video games and trying out different restaurants in the area.

Future Goals

My future goals are to find a job that I truly enjoy in the STEM field and to hopefully change the world through whatever career path I am taking.

Endi Guo

Rochester, NY

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


In my free time, I enjoy playing the piano and clarinet, and I hope to play in one of Penn's many ensembles this year. In addition, I like watching movies and football games, especially Bills games. In the past couple of years, I've begun fishing and trying to find the best places and the best techniques for fishing.

Future Goals

I decided to study engineering because I hope to tackle some of the biggest problems of our society like climate change. Chemical engineering, and engineering in general, allows me to use what I’ve learned in a variety of fields. I’m excited to explore Penn’s clubs and opportunities outside the classroom.

Faiyaz Hasan

Levittown, New York

Computer Science


I like running! I believe daily runs are a good way of destressing while getting a workout in. I like to listen to different kinds of music too, and I actually started experimenting with making beats as well. Lastly, I like exploring the city with my friends! It's almost as if there's new parts of Philly to explore all the time, so it's nice to go out there and experience the city.

Future Goals

I wish to have a career where I can work on mitigating the creation of biased algorithms. To me, making sure we live in an inclusive society is very important, and I would love to pursue a career in computer science where I can work towards creating an equal and just society for all.

Rena Li

Chicago, Illinois

Computer Science


In my free time, I like to try out new restaurants, hang out with friends, and watch movies/shows. I also like listening to music and attending concerts.

Future Goals

I initially chose bioengineering but have since transitioned to computer science due to my passion for coding and the inherent creativity and problem-solving it entails. The excitement of building things creatively is what drew me to engineering in the first place. Looking ahead, I hope to work as a software engineer in a big city.

Allen Liu

Cerritos, California

Computer Science


In my free time, I enjoy badminton, video games, anime, photography, and film production, alongside exploring new eateries and boba/coffee shops.

Future Goals

I plan on contributing to the technology sector. I’m interested in either engineering or investment roles, with a particular interest in entrepreneurship and startups. My areas of interest span semiconductors, Fintech, EdTech, and consumer technologies, with a potential focus on AI/machine learning, and data science. Overall, I’m open to exploring various career paths within technology and innovation.

Daniel Olton

Brooklyn, New York

Electrical Engineering


What truly sets me apart is my competitive spirit, which has driven me to my hobbies of basketball, swimming, and video games. On a personal level, I'm deeply involved in intramural sports and going to the gym with friends. I have recently picked up sprint football as it is a new sport to me that I am hoping to learn and improve on.

Future Goals

I’ve developed a deep interest in developing a professional career in electrical engineering that offers a creative environment to build cutting edge technology for making the world a better place.

Sadia Rahman

Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey

Computer Science


I really love to bake sweets of all kinds, but cookies are my favorite! I'm also a huge music person, and I love exploring different ways to express myself. Recently I bought a guitar, and I am also learning how to sing! For my last hobby, I love ice skating. I hope that eventually I'll be able to do spins and jumps sometime soon.

Future Goals

I would love to work as a software engineer at a technology company. I don’t have any specific plans in mind, but as of right now that’s where my head is at.

Maria Ramos

Philadelphia, PA

Computer and Information Science


Golfing and reading are my favorite ways to clear my mind. While some read for the plot over the writing style, I find I am quite the opposite. I also love all genres!

Future Goals

I am deeply interested in the intersection between equity and technology. This involves everything from tech for social good to combating AI bias. In the future, I see myself working in a SWE position and eventually transitioning to working in philanthropic funds assessing investment opportunities in technology.

Jeimin Taveras

Philadelphia, PA

Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics


My hobbies include going to the gym and exercising. Physical activity helps me calm my mind and prepare for the stress of academia. Growing up I built things, creating boats out of old cardboard scraps in my mothers corner store making things from nothing.

Future Goals

In the future I hope to work in the energy sector or car business as transportation and energy are some of the highest polluters in the world.

Henry Westfall

Broomfield, CO



I enjoy programming, skiing, playing tennis, playing board games with friends, and cooking.

Future Goals

I love engineering because I love collaborative, practical problem solving, and I find it very satisfying to create things that you can see and touch. Specifically, I want to become a robotics engineer; of the engineering disciplines that comprise robotics, Mechanical Engineering is the one with which I have had the least exposure, so I am excited to learn more about it. During my time at Penn, I intend to pursue an accelerated masters degree, and afterwards I may pursue a doctorate.

Raphael Kalatzis

Athens, Greece

Mechanical Engineering


I love to play and watch soccer! It’s been a big part of my life from a young age. Additionally, I enjoy running, listening to music of all kinds, and spending time with friends.

Future Goals

At the moment, I am unsure of the career I intend to pursue. However, I aspire to explore and learn as much as I can in within engineering in hopes of discovering the specific fields and disciplines that I am most interested in. I know for a fact that I want to make a positive impact on the world – I’m simply in the process of discovering how.

Gabrielle Lederman

Staten Island, NY



In my free time, I enjoy various activities ranging from volunteer work and community activities to exercising and weight-lifting. I generally spend my days at the gym, focusing on the significance of physical fitness, or more specifically, weight training, has on one’s mental health, as it has helped me tremendously during times I was not at my best. Along with this, I also like giving back to my community, whether it being volunteering at my local hospital or donating items to the less fortunate. I firmly believe that being strong, both mentally and physically, is of utmost importance because it is what truly shaped me to be the person who I am today.

Future Goals

I plan to take advantage of the vast research opportunities at Penn to grow, learn, and analyze new information within the engineering community. I hope to someday take on additional responsibilities and contribute as much value as possible to ultimately better our society and become a successful entrepreneur and team leader.

Eric Lee

Irvine, CA

Computer Science


I love to program mobile apps, play the guitar, play tennis, go weightlifting, or simply going out with friends.

Future Goals

I hope to not only pursue computer science but also its relationships with business. I also hope to pursue the intersection between different fields of study and computer science, more specifically criminology. Most of all, I hope to gain real-life practical experiences through engineering internships and research opportunities.

Tiffany Lian

Charleston, WV

Computer Science



Future Goals

Survive and succeed.

Michelle Lin

Charlotte Hall, MD

Mechanical Engineering


Baking, skiing, reading, and drawing

Future Goals

To obtain my Bachelor’s degree and possibly an Accelerated Masters degree.

Juan Lopez

Seymour, CT

Computer Science


Fishing, soccer, spikeball, listening to music, and reselling shoes.

Future Goals

To form lifelong relationships and connections with people while also maintaining great grades.

Jomal Mathew

Philadelphia, PA

Electrical Engineering


I like to play the piano, cook and try foods from different cuisines, and hang out with my friends. Recently, I've been brushing up on my Spanish and started learning Italian online.

Future Goals

My goal is to learn about quantum mechanics and its real-world applications within the burgeoning field of nanotechnology. In a more general sense, at Penn, I hope to meet and learn from a diverse student body that will broaden my world views and make me a better person.

Yufan Ou

La Grange, IL

Computer Engineering


I love to go on long runs, especially to explore the unknown places. Additionally, I go on long internet hunts, particularly to explore novel ideas. Sometimes I take apart gadgets, pondering whether it could be rebuilt better. I am always asking questions, and never ceases to search for solutions.

Future Goals

I hope to explore and push the boundaries of semiconductor technology to reimagine what is possible. Utilizing the breakthroughs, I will implement the new technology to help better the quality of life for everyone, paving equitable access to unprecedented amount of knowledge and processing power.

Jason Ventura

Morris Plains, NJ

Electrical Engineering


I enjoy biking and tennis during the summer, and try to go fishing whenever I can. I also love trying new foods!

Future Goals

I hope to be involved in research, especially in robotics and nanotechnology. Also am considering a minor in materials science & engineering, and plan on joining the aerospace club and electric racing team.

Amehja Williams

Philadelphia, PA

Electrical Engineering


Writing poetry/sci-fi short stories, watching movies, listening to Ray LaMontagne

Future Goals

At Penn, I hope to more deeply explore the role engineering plays in stewardship; My ultimate goal is to be an engineer on NASA’s first manned mission to Mars.

Yousef Elyoussef

Lake Jackson, TX



Outdoor Sports - Running, Biking, Spikeball, Volleyball, Basketball; Playing Chess; Watching Netflix; Reading

Future Goals

My goal is to utilize all the opportunities Penn has to offer, whether it be through academics, research, extra-curriculars, and/or social life. It is my goal to learn as much as possible.  I wanted to do research even before being accepted into this program, so hopefully I can also participate in CURF.

Saul Escorza

Dallas, TX

Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics


I do photography and also go to car meets/shows, if any. I also like to go out and try new things and just explore new places

Future Goals

I want to double major in mechanical engineering and mathematics. At the same time I want to minor in finance or accounting (not really sure yet). Additionally, I want to be part of Penn’s electric racing team.

Sarah Fahmi

Plymouth Meeting, PA

Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics


I like reading, writing, and playing video games! I prefer reading fantasy and I've been playing the Legend of Zelda games. I'm also learning to skateboard, and I love hanging out with friends and family.

Future Goals

Engineering is a field that holds so many complexities. At Penn and during my undergraduate career, I hope to explore all fields of engineering and make use of all the resources available to me. I also want to do research. After Penn, I want to work in research and do community based work that will help people.

Nina Gao

Philadelphia, PA

Materials Science and Engineering


baking, listening to music, and hanging out with friends

Future Goals

My future goals are to become a materials science engineer after I graduate. One day, with the various opportunities offered at Penn, I hope to make a positive impact on society by developing or improving materials.

Mia Ginsberg

Naples, FL

Computer Science


I spend my free time doing hackathons, card games, puzzles, and volunteer work.

Future Goals

Although I am confident in studying computer science, I hope to narrow down which specific career I want to pursue. I also want to help close the gender difference in STEM through mentoring younger students and developing relevant technology.

Abir Hossain

Bronx, NY

Computer Engineering


In my free time, I love exploring the different and expansive worlds in video games. There are so many different types of games all with their own stories to tell, or where you have the ability to shape your own story. My favorite games include Minecraft, a game where you can build and explore without seemingly any limits, as well as the Assassin's Creed series, since I also love learning about history.

Future Goals

My goal for my future as an engineer is to contribute in some meaningful way that helps humanity. I am interested in joining projects that involve using engineering to solve some of the biggest challenges humanity faces today, such as climate change and food security. I am also interested in projects that help push humanity to newer horizons, such as space exploration and quantum computing.

Jessi Jha

San Jose, CA

Computer Engineering


I like to read, work on puzzles, run, cook, and hike!

Future Goals

Ultimately, I am pursuing an engineering degree with the hope of making tangible social change via technology. At Penn, I’d love to conduct research in order to see where change is most needed, and how we, as engineers can start developing solutions to various problems. (Some areas I’d love to work with is equity in education, perhaps for students with disabilities).

Shekinah-Glory Lawal

Cypress, TX



reading, writing, running, baking

Future Goals

I hope to create prosthetic limbs for disabled children in the future, and mentoring high school students interested in STEM!

Anthony Nguyen

Pittsburgh, PA



I love going out with friends, getting food and drink, listening to music, and playing ultimate and basketball.

Future Goals

At Penn I hope to learn how to collaborate and work with others in an engineering team. Beyond that, I’m actually not quite sure what I want to do yet, but I plan on getting my BSE and either conducting research or working at an engineering firm before returning to university to get a graduate degree.

Hussain Zaidi

East Windsor, NJ

Computer Science


I love to watch documentaries on history, science, astronomy and technology. I'm a big fan of motivational videos as well. Some Volleyball and internet surfing also amuses me from time to time.

Future Goals

I hope to work on as many projects as possible, my main focus will be starting a business or launching a startup over the next 4 years at Penn. I’m going to start from ground 0 by taking intro classes because I’m coming from a small high school but I hope to attain expertise in my field. I will also be trying my best to expand my network and create long lasting friendships that add meaning and happiness in my life. I also want to contribute to the community and I fell the EAS 242 course should help me with that. In essence, I want to change my world and the world around me as I grow and learn at Penn.

Brandon Adiele

Los Angeles, CA

Computer Science


I thoroughly enjoy playing sports, such as soccer and basketball. I also love listening to music, hanging out with friends and family, and occasionally playing video games.

Future Goals

I aspire to obtain a job as a software developer after graduating from college. I want to work on exciting and innovative projects within the technology industry, and hopefully become an entrepreneur one day.

Emily Kim

Duluth, GA

Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering


I enjoy playing video games, reading, and drawing.

Future Goals

I want to either develop medicine, conduct research, or work at a firm – I’m not completely sure yet.  I love collaborating and hope to work in an engineering team in the future as part of my career.

Henghak Kun

Philadelphia, PA

Computer Science


I enjoy listening to music, watching movies, playing videogames, volleyball, frisbee, chess, climbing, and trying new things.

Future Goals

While I am unsure on what career I intend to pursue as of yet, I want to spend my time at Penn getting well versed in the language of technology. Ever since I learned about the capabilities and the uncapped range of possibility that exist within the world of code(e.g. artificial intelligence), I have hoped to get acquainted with such a field and be able to expand it by exploring new possibilities.

Nathaniel Lao

Sunnyvale, CA

Computer Science


I like gaming, solving Rubik's cubes, badminton, and just learning about the world.

Future Goals

Most of my goals are to get into one of the large tech companies and to change the world through my studies.

Nhat Le

Pennsauken, NJ

Mechanical Engineering


I like playing basketball, running, drawing, and playing videogames.

Future Goals

I would like to study mechanical engineering (as well as software engineering) with the ultimate goal of working in the field of robotics. In the future, I wish to have the opportunity to spread my knowledge to students in Vietnam, my place of birth.

Abdinajib Mohamed

South Saint Paul, MN

Electrical Engineering


Learning about the "why" of things as they relate to world history and technology. I also like watching a lot of Sci-Fi, Vox, and Science Youtube/shows.

Future Goals

My goal is to create a job that doesn’t currently exist.  This means I want to combine one or two things that I want to work on that will push human civilization forward in technology (and just life in general).

Tasneem Pathan

Wayne, NJ

Computer Science


I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, finding new places to eat, and watching Netflix. I also like to play the clarinet and tutor kids in math and computer science.

Future Goals

I am really excited to take advantage of the various research opportunities at Penn, particularly in the fields of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. After graduating, I plan on going into the industry and using technology to make a positive impact on society.

Skylar Rearick

Lake Mary, FL

Mechanical Engineering


In my free time I enjoy watching shows like The Office, Parks and Rec, Brooklyn 99, and Criminal Minds (also recently just rewatched Avatar: The Last Airbender), talking or meeting with friends, listening to music or playing video games. Occasionally, I also like to pick up embroidery and crocheting.

Future Goals

I’ve always wanted to end up somewhere in the realm of robotics or the high-tech industry. I’m not sure exactly what that might look like yet, but I’m excited to learn more and explore my options for pursuing that at Penn. I was also super involved in SkillsUSA throughout high school, which is an organization that aims to give career and technical education students career-readiness skills and I would like to continue to find ways to advocate for reform in America’s education system.

Rachael Tamakloe

Virginia Beach, VA

Systems Engineering


Usually, I spend my free time either reading books (Fantasy Fiction is the genre I typically go for), watching television shows (I'm currently obsessed with the Big Bang Theory), playing field hockey or working out at my local gym.

Future Goals

Being someone who has always had a grand appreciation for the field of engineering and its varied applications to our everyday life, I hope I am able to find my place in the very large and complex domain of study that engineering is. Being able to not only grow knowledge in my chosen concentration but also being able to cultivate the confidence in knowing that I have chosen the right path towards my future is an important goal I genuinely hope to achieve at Penn.

Sergio Torres

Englewood, NJ

Mechanical Engineering


I have been playing soccer since I was 7 and I've played at the club and school level. I like to bike around my town to get some fresh air, and I recently started to learn how to skateboard.

Future Goals

My goal is to build a foundation for engineering and develop a skill set that will benefit me in varying areas of my life. I’m still not sure if Mechanical Engineering will be my major so I would like to try out different fields to see which is the best match for me.

Abdurazaq Aribidesi

New York, NY

Mechanical Engineering


I spend time with friends, watch videos, play games, cook or do photography.

Future Goals

I want to learn more about medical devices and one day make my own in order to help people.  I might also want to start my own firm in order to continue my work in this field.

Abdelwahab Babiker

Lawrenceville, Georgia

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


I love playing and watching soccer, playing the trombone and hanging out with my friends.

Future Goals

I hope to get an MBA and return to my home country, Sudan, to innovate and engineer solutions surrounding the energy and environmental.

Ricardo Gonzalez

San Antonio, TX

Mechanical Engineering


I enjoy playing music, specifically piano and drums, as well as music production, photography, and film making.

Future Goals

After college, I plan on applying my knowledge in engineering to design mechanisms to benefit society. Eventually, I would like to start my own company in the technology industry and be able to make a widespread impact in the lives of others.

Brendan Kim

Ellicott City, MD

Electrical Engineering


I enjoy hiking, soccer, exploring, watching Netflix, and trying new foods.

Future Goals

Create a more sustainable community, improve solar power and cost.

Fatima Koroma

Olney, MD

Mechanical Engineering


I like to listen to music, read, and watch TV shows. I also really enjoy activities that allow me to fundraise and volunteer in my community.

Future Goals

I don’t know what I want to do yet, but I hope to have a career in product design and development. I want to be able to be creative with what I learn at Penn.

Terence Lin

Brentwood, NY

Mechanical Engineering


I like to play sports (like basketball) and video games. I also like to socialize with other people and hang out.

Future Goals

I would like to hopefully get a job in the future that I am happy with and that is related to my major. I also hope I meet new people majoring in engineering, and I would like to be able to help others in whatever way possible.

Sadek Munawar

Queens, NY



I enjoy playing soccer and cricket. In addition to playing sports, I like to read, play chess and video games.

Future Goals

I plan to obtain a BSE degree in Bioengineering and do research in medical device design and tissue engineering. After graduating from Penn, my goal is to work at the forefront of impactful product development in the medical field.

Aisha Olapade

Plainsboro, NJ

Computer Science


I spend most of my free time finding recipes, editing videos, and watching old movies. I also try to spend a lot of my free time outdoors, where I usually workout, read, or hangout with friends.

Future Goals

At Penn, I hope to make use of the vast research opportunities available, and as of right now I am interested in researching artificial intelligence. After graduating, I will either obtain a master’s degree or go straight into the industry as a data scientist. Whichever path I take, I hope to be able to expose young girls to the idea that they can grow up and excel in STEM.

Jim Ren

Naperville, IL

Computer Science


I enjoy fishing, playing guitar, and singing!

Future Goals

I hope to go into entrepreneurship and engineering and be able to work on exciting new projects that will change the field. While I am unsure of my direct career path, I’m excited to see what opportunities Penn will provide me in the field of technology!

Davis Tran

Pennsauken, NJ

Computer Science


I'm a big music person. I love drumming and listening to music. I also love going out with groups of friends, and exploring new places to eat and chill out.

Future Goals

My interests are still very broad.  I’m open to pursuing a career as a Software Engineer for medical devices or as a Data Scientist in the field of genomics or robotics.

Estelle Burkhardt

Point Arena, CA



Some of my miscellaneous hobbies include, sketching, swimming, chess, kicking back with friends, reading fiction, hiking, listening to music and exploring Philadelphia.

Future Goals

I plan on receiving a BSE in Bioengineering and eventually doing service work for Doctors Without Borders, traveling the world offering humanitarian and medical aid.

James Ciardullo

Philadelphia, PA

Computer Science


Playing Video Games, Playing Guitar, Coding, Listening to Music, Watching Youtube Videos.

Future Goals

I wanted to be a mechanical engineer because I was fascinated with how mechanisms worked and I love robotics and coding. I don’t really have any future career plans yet but at some point I’d like to work for Google, Microsoft, and/or Boston Dynamics. I’m excited to do my undergraduate research at Penn in the future!

Francesca Cimino

New City, New York



I thoroughly enjoy traveling, spending time with my family and friends and listening to music. I also try to volunteer whenever I can.

Future Goals

My love of math and science, along with my desire to make an impact on people’s lives, leads me to pursue bioengineering. I know that my Penn education, as well as all the resources available to me, will allow me to achieve my career goals and become a successful and productive individual.

Natasha Dilamani

Great Neck, NY

Mechanical Engineering


My hobbies include watching movies and listening to music. I am also an active person, so I enjoy playing basketball, snowboarding, throwing around a frisbee, and exercising.

Future Goals

I don’t know exactly what career I want, but I know that I want it to involve designing products and building them. I selected mechanical engineering as my major because I think it’s awesome that it combines creativity, problem solving, and mechanics into one discipline. I just think it’s super cool to be able to design a product and bring it to life!

Quincy Hendricks

Carmel, CA



I enjoy ultimate frisbee. However, when I have time off from school, I like to simply relax.

Future Goals

I plan to work on brain-computer interfaces. I have decided to do bioengineering with a concentration in neuroengineering and a minor in computational neuroscience. Eventually, I hope to conduct research into simulating the mind on a computer.

Rozina Hidaru

Seattle, WA

Computer Science


I ran track and cross-country in high school, and although I'm not part of teams here at Penn, I still enjoy going on runs to exercise. In my free time I also enjoy reading novels and watching TV.

Future Goals

I decided I wanted to pursue computer science after taking a class at my high school and doing an internship through Girls Who Code at the Amazon campus in Seattle. I realized that I enjoyed coding and I could use this skill to go into virtually any field that interested me. In our technologically advancing world, I want to be able to keep up with these advances, and possibly contribute to them. I’m excited to be at Penn because of the amazing computer science program, and I’m glad I also have the opportunity to explore other interests as well.

Fahmida Lubna

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


I really enjoy painting and gardening. Depending on the weather, I would spend time outside gardening or stay indoors and work on an art piece.

Future Goals

I am intrigued by the idea of using chemical properties to manipulate the biological functions. I also like the fact that we can apply those properties not only to existing biological systems but also engineer new devices for our advancement. That is why I hope to pursue research in chemical and biomolecular engineering.

Ryan Martinez

Muncie, Indiana

Computer Science


In my free time, I enjoy skateboarding, playing volleyball and playing ping pong. I am on the intramural volleyball team and in the ping pong club.

Future Goals

After graduating from Penn, I hope to jump right into industry, working in some capacity with artificial intelligence, language processing or both. I chose to study Computer Science because I think it provides a unique toolset for solving challenging, real-world problems.

Brandon Reid

New Milford, CT

Computer Engineering


Music Production, Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, Weightlifting, Piano, Cello, Singing, Video Games

Future Goals

I decided to pursue Penn engineering because not only do you learn, but you also learn how to apply that knowledge to real world situations. In the future I hope to develop my own robotics company within a certain niche (home improvement, health, or warfare). I hope with the knowledge I gain and the connections I make, I am able to make my dream a reality.

Bahda Shin

San Jose, CA

Computer Science


My hobbies include sports such as basketball and volleyball. I also enjoy playing instruments such as the piano and trumpet. On my days off, I do enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking.

Future Goals

I would love to pursue studies in computer science simply because I enjoy programming, learning and implementing algorithms. In addition, I am very excited to learn and expand upon the current trends and developments in the field and understand its implications concerning general technology. I’m eager to narrow my focus and discover which particular track I should head in upon interacting with excellent professors, faculty, and peers.